Sunday, September 11, 2011

Crash Course in Creative Writing: Part 3

Hello again!

Here I am, once again sharing with you some useful tips to help you become a better Creative Writer. You know, I firmly believe everyone has the potential to be a great writer; and even if I never become a published Author, if I help someone else attain that goal, I'll be happy. (Okay that's a little egotistical, but it's true lol!)

So in this blog, I wanted to offer a "homework assignment" of sorts. Earlier this year (Feb. 2011) I posted some of my work on my channel called: Seven Super-Short Stories in 7 Days.
I wrote a new story every day for 7 days straight, uploaded it, and titled each story after the day of the week that the story was written.

Now as I said in the video (see below) the reason I did this is to challenge myself to write in a way that was out of my element.

So, the assignment is this: Take one of my stories you like the best and
A: Pick up where I left off and add to it, or
B: Take what I've written & re-write it in your own writing style.

I think it's a good idea to re-write another writer's piece of work because it will help you identity your own writing style & technique, strenghts, and weaknesses.

Now, I call them super-short for a reason, no story is over 200 words. Here are the links for all 7 stories:
7 super short stories: Monday

7 super short stories: Tuesday

7 super short stories: Wednesday

7 super short stories Thursday

7super short stories Friday

7supershort stories Saturday

7 super-short stories Sunday

Remember, if you have any Creative Writing questions, feel free to e-mail me: or hit me up on Twitter:
Make sure to check out my Channel weekly for a NEW Crash Course in Creative Writing video:

Saturday, September 10, 2011

How Women Manipulate Men

Hey You :)

Now if you're familiar with my YouTube channel by now (hint, hint!) then you should know I have a very tongue-n-cheek approach to subjects about men and women. So with that in mind....RELAX!!

Anyway,  it a well-known fact that women use their feminine wiles to take advantage of a situation, but only if you let us, of course. As I said in my video (see below) Women are natural born multitaskers, with the ability to do several things as once. The goal, is to keep your defenses down and distracted.
It's kinda shady, but hey -I'm being honest.
You see, women have to zoom in on your weaknesses as soon as possible so we can be prepared for whatever type of attitude you throw our way. We know how to back down; making you think you have to upper-hand.
And yes, we have to play to your over-sized (or fragile) ego. How do we do this: Simple!
1. Challenge your ego by telling you to prove us wrong (a jab to your masculinity)
2. Or, take the opposite stance by placating you by saying your the most wonderful, strong, handsome, funny, blah blah you get the idea...

And the "Damsel in Distress" is always reserved for guys who feel the need to constantly prove how superior they are. A man will always want to "save" a woman, no matter what.

This won't change anytime soon.

But keep this in mind fellas: A woman will manipulate you -if you allow it. So, if all a chick has to do is flash some boob or show ass to get what she wants...who's really playing who?

Keep in touch!
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Sunday, September 4, 2011

The Dog-Faced Girl theory

So recently I made a video called Face Fvcked!! (see below) and basically it was a tongue-n-cheek observation of how some men go gaga over something as superficial as a pretty face. (NOTE: I said some men, not all!)

Now, I wasn't super-serious about any of it, but I wanted to make some honest points in a light-hearted way. Also, I wasn't talking about myself at all in the video, just speaking generally as I normally do. Now, It seems to me that the Dog-Faced girl would make a way better girlfriend (or bed buddy) than a ultra-pretty girl. And as I said in my video, I have my reasons:
Reasons you'll be better off with the Dog-Faced Girl:
1. She'll be super-thankful to have you, cutting down the chances of cheating
2. You'll never have to worry about your friends hitting on her behind your back
3. She'll be more willing to do some freaky sex sh*t just to please you
4. She'll have a great personality & a sense of humor, so you'll never be bored.
Now on the other hand, the girl with the ultra pretty face has more of a superiority complex that needs to be nourished with compliments, attention, validation, etc. In turn, she probably won't be jumping thru hoops to make you happy; but rather doing just enough to keep you content.
Disadvantages of the girl with the Ultra-Pretty face:
1. She'll be so in love with herself, she'll treat you like crap because she has no idea how to be selfless & considerate
2. She's only attracted to people that remind her of herself. This includes other chicks, in which case she isn't going to be worried about you anyway -sorry!
3. She's crazy.

So the question is: which girl would you rather have? Choose wisely!
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Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Crash Course in Creative Writing: Part 2

 Hello everyone!

Thanks for joining me for Part 2 of a crash course in Creative Writing.

Okay, so this part is really focusing on Outlines. Now, some people don’t need outlines, they simply like to “feel” their way through a manuscript, and allow their character’s to take over; leading them from chapter to chapter.

If you can do this, I applaud you –because I cannot!

So often, a writer has the tendency to give away too much, or not enough information; particularly within the first 3 chapters; which is the crux of any manuscript. The first 3 chapters are crucial to construct flawlessly, because that’s really where the reader decides if they wanna keep reading to find out what happens.

This is why outlines can be so useful; they force you to streamline your thoughts, one by one from each chapter. With outlining, you won’t feel overwhelmed with too many ideas at once. It will help you reveal the right amount of information at the right time.

  1. Break the outline down. Give yourself about 2 pages per chapter. Make short, to-the-point sentences on each character you’re working on. DO NOT WORRY ABOUT DIALOGUE!! That will come when you finally start writing your manuscript. This is for important plot points only!

  1. Keep the focus on moving your story forward. Think about what has to be shown (and hidden) in each chapter, and what will make the story progress as you move on.

  1. Then, you have to do a cause/effect. Think about why your character felt a certain way, which led to a direct, specific action.

Remember, there’s not set way, or order this has to be done it; think about the plot will unfold & how the complete story will come together.

If you have any Creative Writing questions, feel free to e-mail me: or hit me up on Twitter:
Make sure to check out my Channel weekly for a NEW Crash Course in Creative Writing video:

Friday, August 26, 2011

Crash Course in Creative Writing: Part 1

Hey Everyone! Thanks for stopping by :-)

As promised, I will be updating my blogsite everytime I upload a new video; since I don't like making long-ass videos anymore lol

Anyway, Part 1 is focusing on Character Development. It is soooo important that a Writer connects with the reader, and the only way that was happen successfully is if the Character (especially the main character) is as REAL and RELATABLE as possible! I can't stress that enough.

So many great story ideas fall apart because of poor character development.

Now, I really like the 20 questions exercise, as I said in the video, because it forces you to dig deeper into why your character is a Villain, Temptress, Murderer, etc.

One thing people are often not conscious of, is that when they create characters, they often base them off  themselves, or someone they wish they were. With the 20 questions exercise, it enables you to take yourself out of the equation & step outside of the box.

Now, I know a few people may think it's kinda weird to ask a fictional character questions, like: "Have you ever stolen from a friend", or "What was the best lie you ever told"
But think about it: How often are YOU asked these questions? Not often, I'm sure.

Even if you don't use all of the information in the 20 questions exercise, it will still give your character and story, much more depth & realism. 

My hope for you, is that you pick up where I left off (since I only gave you 10 questions) and you really take the time to analyze your story & what direction you want your character to take.

If you have any Creative Writing questions, feel free to e-mail me: or hit me up on Twitter:
Make sure to check out my Channel weekly for a NEW Crash Course in Creative Writing video:

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Where is Cre?

Some of you are probably wondering where I've been & why I haven't posted videos on Youtube, been on BlogTV or Skype....well, to be blunt, life is kicking my ass right now!

Now, I've never been one to wear a veneer of happiness or a plastic smile & pretend everything's okay. I don't know how to. 

I actually do give a crap about my channel and the type of videos I put out; therefore, I won't be uploading any videos until I get my sh*t together.
Now, some of you might be saying: "Cre, your issues off-line have nothing to do with your channel, keep posting videos!"

Um, no.

As I said, I can't fake feelings. If I get in front of the camera, believe me, you're gonna know something's wrong. I wear my emotions on my face constantly; hell, if you follow me on twitter, you already know something's up based off the type of tweets I put out -I can't help it. 

I'm not a half-ass person & if I can't give 100% of myself to something, then I give nothing -until I can be completely present.
I am constantly humbled by the people who watch my videos and make it a point to compliment me. I'm amazed anyone watches me at all! I don't ever want to get to the point where I stop caring; once that happens, I might as well cancel my YouTube account.

But don't worry, that's NOT going to happen!

I'll be back posting videos and hopefully making someone out there smile. I don't try to be anything other that what I am; and I thank all of you who support me for just being myself.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Who is she?

What can I really say about myself within these paragraphs to make you think you know me....

Do you really know someone as well as you think you do?

But I digress....

Anyway, I've been running my YouTube channel for over a year now, and I think I've made pretty good strides, but hey, who knows. The people who watch my videos have their own reasons, so you'll have to ask them why they like my channel: creativewritings247:

Sometimes, I'm super-serious -other times Insightful. Often I'm sarcastic as hell (okay, 95% of the time) But always genuine.

You can follow me for my charming ramblings:

I recently started doing Astrology videos on my 2nd Channel: 

I've no doubt there are thousands of people, doing the exact thing as me on YouTube, but there is only one Cre, so ya know, that helps a little!

I hope you get somethinig useful out of my videos, and you're able to walk away with a little more information than you had before -that is my hope for you. 