Sunday, September 11, 2011

Crash Course in Creative Writing: Part 3

Hello again!

Here I am, once again sharing with you some useful tips to help you become a better Creative Writer. You know, I firmly believe everyone has the potential to be a great writer; and even if I never become a published Author, if I help someone else attain that goal, I'll be happy. (Okay that's a little egotistical, but it's true lol!)

So in this blog, I wanted to offer a "homework assignment" of sorts. Earlier this year (Feb. 2011) I posted some of my work on my channel called: Seven Super-Short Stories in 7 Days.
I wrote a new story every day for 7 days straight, uploaded it, and titled each story after the day of the week that the story was written.

Now as I said in the video (see below) the reason I did this is to challenge myself to write in a way that was out of my element.

So, the assignment is this: Take one of my stories you like the best and
A: Pick up where I left off and add to it, or
B: Take what I've written & re-write it in your own writing style.

I think it's a good idea to re-write another writer's piece of work because it will help you identity your own writing style & technique, strenghts, and weaknesses.

Now, I call them super-short for a reason, no story is over 200 words. Here are the links for all 7 stories:
7 super short stories: Monday

7 super short stories: Tuesday

7 super short stories: Wednesday

7 super short stories Thursday

7super short stories Friday

7supershort stories Saturday

7 super-short stories Sunday

Remember, if you have any Creative Writing questions, feel free to e-mail me: or hit me up on Twitter:
Make sure to check out my Channel weekly for a NEW Crash Course in Creative Writing video:

Saturday, September 10, 2011

How Women Manipulate Men

Hey You :)

Now if you're familiar with my YouTube channel by now (hint, hint!) then you should know I have a very tongue-n-cheek approach to subjects about men and women. So with that in mind....RELAX!!

Anyway,  it a well-known fact that women use their feminine wiles to take advantage of a situation, but only if you let us, of course. As I said in my video (see below) Women are natural born multitaskers, with the ability to do several things as once. The goal, is to keep your defenses down and distracted.
It's kinda shady, but hey -I'm being honest.
You see, women have to zoom in on your weaknesses as soon as possible so we can be prepared for whatever type of attitude you throw our way. We know how to back down; making you think you have to upper-hand.
And yes, we have to play to your over-sized (or fragile) ego. How do we do this: Simple!
1. Challenge your ego by telling you to prove us wrong (a jab to your masculinity)
2. Or, take the opposite stance by placating you by saying your the most wonderful, strong, handsome, funny, blah blah you get the idea...

And the "Damsel in Distress" is always reserved for guys who feel the need to constantly prove how superior they are. A man will always want to "save" a woman, no matter what.

This won't change anytime soon.

But keep this in mind fellas: A woman will manipulate you -if you allow it. So, if all a chick has to do is flash some boob or show ass to get what she wants...who's really playing who?

Keep in touch!
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Sunday, September 4, 2011

The Dog-Faced Girl theory

So recently I made a video called Face Fvcked!! (see below) and basically it was a tongue-n-cheek observation of how some men go gaga over something as superficial as a pretty face. (NOTE: I said some men, not all!)

Now, I wasn't super-serious about any of it, but I wanted to make some honest points in a light-hearted way. Also, I wasn't talking about myself at all in the video, just speaking generally as I normally do. Now, It seems to me that the Dog-Faced girl would make a way better girlfriend (or bed buddy) than a ultra-pretty girl. And as I said in my video, I have my reasons:
Reasons you'll be better off with the Dog-Faced Girl:
1. She'll be super-thankful to have you, cutting down the chances of cheating
2. You'll never have to worry about your friends hitting on her behind your back
3. She'll be more willing to do some freaky sex sh*t just to please you
4. She'll have a great personality & a sense of humor, so you'll never be bored.
Now on the other hand, the girl with the ultra pretty face has more of a superiority complex that needs to be nourished with compliments, attention, validation, etc. In turn, she probably won't be jumping thru hoops to make you happy; but rather doing just enough to keep you content.
Disadvantages of the girl with the Ultra-Pretty face:
1. She'll be so in love with herself, she'll treat you like crap because she has no idea how to be selfless & considerate
2. She's only attracted to people that remind her of herself. This includes other chicks, in which case she isn't going to be worried about you anyway -sorry!
3. She's crazy.

So the question is: which girl would you rather have? Choose wisely!
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